The Compliance Improvement Plan for 2025-2026 has been published on the Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) website. The upcoming activities for the next two years will focus on widening the tax base, maintaining a comprehensive and accurate taxpayer register, increasing timely return filings, ensuring the completeness of filed returns, enhancing timely payments, and accurately reporting the tax due. Additionally, the plan highlights the key tax compliance risks identified from specific industries and the planned treatments to mitigate these risks.
The 2025-2026 Compliance Improvement Plan targets specific sectors through registration programs, including identifying and registering businesses that have not yet registered for taxes. Similar to previous years, MIRA will conduct a series of awareness sessions, give proactive reminder to taxpayers of tax deadlines and regularly monitor level of compliance of the taxpayers. Furthermore, MIRA plans on revamping the tax recovery process, strengthening enforcement policies to enhance revenue collections, and detecting tax evasion with timely actions to deter non-compliance.
The plan prioritizes collaborative solutions to address the root causes of risks, engaging with government institutions, enforcement agencies, and other relevant stakeholders. In addition, MIRA will collect information from relevant third parties to identify and prevent non-compliance.
MIRA's compliance risk management policy aims to encourage voluntary compliance with tax laws and regulations by making it easy for taxpayers to fulfill their tax obligations and deterring non-compliance through regulated actions. MIRA has been implementing the Compliance Improvement Plan since 2020 to achieve these objectives.
For more information: Compliance Improvement Plan 20252026