Waste Management Act

Number: 24/2022
Issued: 18 December 2022

Twelfth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act

Number: 14/2022
Issued: 21 September 2022

Eleventh amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act

Number: 8/2022
Issued: 3 July 2022

Sixth amendment to the Employment Act

Number: 22/2020
Issued: 22 September 2020

Public Health Emergency Act 2020

Number: 20/2020
Issued: 22 September 2020

Third amendment to the Criminal Procedures Act

Number: 21/2020
Issued: 22 September 2020

Fifth amendment to the Employment Act

Number: 22/2016
Issued: 25 August 2016

Eighth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act

Number: 13/2016
Issued: 10 July 2016

Seventh amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act

Number: 8/2015
Issued: 27 April 2015

Sixth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act

Number: 42/2014
Issued: 17 December 2014

Special Economic Zone Act

Number: 24/2014
Issued: 1 September 2014

Fourth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act

Number: 4/2014
Issued: 6 February 2014

Fifth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act

Number: 5/2014
Issued: 6 February 2014

Ninth amendment to the Export Import Act

Number: 31/79
Issued: 1 December 2011

Revenue Stamp Act Repeal Act

Number: 13/2011
Issued: 11 July 2011

Second amendment to the Maldives Tourism Tax Act

Number: 20/2010
Issued: 8 September 2010

Bank Profit Tax Act (Repealed)

Number: 9/85
Issued: 27 June 1985

Act governing Duty Free Areas in Maldives

Number: 9/81
Issued: 9 November 1981

Export Import Act

Number: 31/79
Issued: 15 September 1979

Foreign Investment Act

Number: 25/79
Issued: 1 May 1979