Amended via Tax Ruling number TR-2018/B61 (Business Profit Tax: Fourteenth amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling number TR-2018/B61 (Business Profit Tax: Fourteenth amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling number TR-2017/B60 (Business Profit Tax: Thirteenth amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling number TR-2017/B58 (Business Profit Tax: Twelfth amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling Number TR-2017/B56 (Business Profit Tax: Eleventh amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling Number TR-2016/B54 (Business Profit Tax: Tenth amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling Number TR-2015/B46 (Business Profit Tax: Ninth amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling Number TR-2015/B44 (Business Profit Tax: Eighth amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling Number TR-2015/B41 (Business Profit Tax: Seventh amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling Number TR-2014/B36 (Business Profit Tax: Sixth amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling Number TR-2013/B31 (Business Profit Tax: Fifth amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling Number TR-2013/B27 (Business Profit Tax: Fourth amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax Ruling number TR-2012/B11 (Business Profit Tax: Third amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation)
Amended via Tax ruling number TR-2012/B6 (Business Profit Tax: Valuation of assets at commencement date)
Amended via the First Amendment to the Business Profit Tax Regulation
Business Profit Tax Regulation before the First Amendment