Fourteenth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act
Fourteenth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act
Thirteenth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act
Waste Management Act
Twelfth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act
Eleventh amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act
Sixth amendment to the Employment Act
Public Health Emergency Act 2020
Third amendment to the Criminal Procedures Act
Fifth amendment to the Employment Act
Eighth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act
Seventh amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act
Sixth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act
Special Economic Zones Act
Fourth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act
Fifth amendment to the Maldives Tourism Act
Ninth amendment to the Export Import Act
Revenue Stamp Act Repeal Act
Second amendment to the Maldives Tourism Tax Act
Bank Profit Tax Act (Repealed)
Act governing Duty Free Areas in Maldives